
Work and Wanderlust: Memoirs of a Wandering Banker

ওয়ার্ক এণ্ড ওয়ান্ডারলাষ্ট

Author: Hiren Singharay  

Publisher: Bestread Publication  

Hardback ISBN: 978-81-957053-1-3

Publication Year: 2023

₹ 188 ₹ 250
25 %


"There are no strangers in the world, only friends you are yet to meet." A career across continents; a window into the world. In Work and Wanderlust: Memoirs of a Wandering Banker, Hiren Singharay takes his readers on a journey across nations and cultures, chronicling vignettes of his life as a globetrotting banker. The stories capture the intricacies of different societies, revealing the harmonies and dissonances between commerce and culture. From experiencing tremendous advancement in technology in the banking sector to intrepid tax-saving drives, from unexpected encounters to discrete acts of kindness – Hiren’s recollections capture the interior world of banking as well as the very human connections that form it.

Page No: 188
Size: Demy