
CitiLife: Tales of a London City Banker

সিটি লাইফ

Author: Hiren Singharay  

Publisher: Bestread Publication  

Hardback ISBN: 978-81-967605-2-6

Publication Year: 2023

₹ 225 ₹ 300
25 %


Citilife is a tale of one man’s journey through the complex world of international Banking and Finance. While working at Citibank London, Hiren got enmeshed in a fast-moving banking system in an evolving world where the momentous changes during the final decade of the last century reshaped our known universe. He tells us his story as the man who lived it rather than the banker who was a part of it. Through it all, his faith in human connections is renewed, in the ultimate bond that unites peoples of the world.
Page No: 227
Size: Demy